Be In Motion

Developing the essence

Be In Motion - developing the essence

systemic consultancy why?

You want :

  • clarification
  • an overview
  • to look for solutions
  • to know what is really going on
  • to prototype the new marketing strategy

Systemic consultancy brings you in touch with the essence of the matter.
It works for organisational issues, personal cases, team related questions and many other contexts. It reveals existing or possible future issues.

Systemic consultancy makes visible what is not seen or heard. What is left out or ignored, is often very tangible. Tensions for example can immobilise a whole department. It is like the wind: you don’t see it, you feel it; you can not grab it and still it is real. What is seen, are the effects.

Systemic consultancy looks at the relationships between different elements.
Besides people, also events, values, motives, characteristics or concepts relate to each other.

By including all relevant components, giving them their place and getting them in contact, new options or connections are revealed. The outcome is often unexpected and sometimes surprisingly… simple.